Every Frontier First Aid team arrives at a jobsite with a Mobile Treatment Center (MTC) equipped for almost any emergency, well beyond what is mandated by WorkSafe BC’s regulations. Our MTC’s are maintained to the highest standard because we know that failed equipment can be the difference between life and death. We also take pride in the training and experience of our staff: we support career-long professional development, and we make safety an integral part of our corporate culture.
• Our teams come with MTC’s equipped with all B.C. required equipment, plus extras such as A.E.D’s, extra oxygen, burn treatment kits, and more. We add extras such as satellite phones as the job and the Emergency Response Plan require.
• We are fully equipped for onsite gas detection (H2S, LEL, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, etc.) if needed
• We provide OFA3 medics and Advanced OFA3 medics. We can also provide paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMT) and emergency medical responders (EMR) as required.
• We are C.O.R Certified.
• We are registered with Complyworks.
• All our MTC’s are rollover certified according to provincial and federal regulations.